Application Delivery Blog

Can Elephants Dance? | Staying Nimble in the Software-Centric IT World

avatar Edward Sharp
Posted on May 6, 2016 8:25:46 AM

Lou Gerstner's IBM famously showed that elephants can dance. However, the pressures of IT changes today are making it more difficult for the elephants of technology to be as nimble as the current crop of startups. I was reminded of this earlier in the week when I was in Las Vegas for EMC World. Interop was going on at the same time, and as it happens, my old employer NetApp was having a conference. They are all struggling to stay relevant in today's software-centric, flexible, cloud-ready, agile, self-service IT world. The good news for them is that they at least recognize this.
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Topics: disruptive innovation, Rancher Labs, EMC World

The Hardware Load Balancer Bubble | When Will It Burst?

avatar Nathan McMahon
Posted on Sep 17, 2015 8:42:00 AM

I recently came across a SaaS company that required support for Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) for better SSL security. They bought 4 pairs of [redacted] ADC / load balancers from a proprietary hardware vendor to perform the SSL PFS termination. At first glance, this seems like a safe, logical decision. Just like real estate was a safe and conservative investment strategy in 2006 before the bubble burst, or .com stocks in 2000 right before the stock market's implosion.
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Topics: load balancer, disruptive innovation, SSL

Cloud Services | Crossing the Cloud Chasm | Avi Networks

avatar Dhritiman Dasgupta (DD)
Posted on Aug 24, 2014 9:50:00 AM

With any disruptive innovation, there will always be innovators and early adopters who eagerly jump on the bandwagon. Today, we’re seeing more and more businesses move to the cloud as users take advantage of its utility-based model and associated economic benefits. So why isn’t everyone “crossing the chasm” and what will it take to persuade the late majority and laggards to move to the cloud?
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Topics: cisco, private cloud, OpenStack, cloud, Tweet, VMware, vCenter, load balancer, ADC, SDN, application delivery, disruptive innovation

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