Application Delivery Blog

Microservices Applications | A Comprehensive Services Fabric

avatar Chandra Sekar
Posted on Feb 17, 2016 7:40:05 AM

Today Avi Networks announced a new solution to enable enterprises to deliver production-ready microservices applications. Microservices architecture it seems is the tech world’s answer to applications that are “too big to fail.” Business disruptions caused by application downtimes have driven enterprises to find ways to break large applications into bite-sized components that can be independently deployed and updated without causing major outages. Light-weight container based infrastructure (e.g. Docker) along with resource and cluster management solutions such as Mesos are a natural fit for microservices applications. Assembling production-ready microservices applications requires a combination of infrastructure services, the application components themselves, and a range of application services.
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Topics: ADC, Docker, Microservices, Mesos, Containers, Service Fabric, App Map

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